The past couple of months have been none stop and things are now winding down for Christmas. This week has seen the final event of the year, some of my school workshops have come to the end, just two to go this week and that's it for 2010.
2011 looks like its going to be packed, double the amount of schools want to book me in the New Year, my problem is, there is only one of me and they all want after school clubs, going to have meetings next week to see what can be done.
The Lodge School sign went up last week, it has pride of place in the reception area, I walked straight passed it at first. Just a bit of touch up work to be done, but it looks wonderful!!!
Anyone out there want a new sign for their business, school or community group/centre,
please email me!!!!!!! 
This month also saw the sale of Christmas decorations and my favorite Geisha Girl glass panel, didn't want to let her go, but she's gone to a good home.
The last couple of weeks I've been working on some new textile ideas and I'm hoping to get some quite time over the Christmas period to develop them further alongside some new jewellery pieces, each one made will be bespoke, feeling excited and looking forward to 2011!!!