Thursday 17 September 2009

Onwards and upwards!

This is a new beginning for me, I have recently taken the big jump and I've set up my own business.............Allison Franks designer/maker.

What do I do? well there's a number of things, I design/make jewellery, glass panels/dishes and mosaic tiles/signs.

All pieces are bespoke, one of a kind and unique.

I run workshops within my local community and school's and I am also an events coordinator.

The reason for me to start this blog?

I've been to a networking event for Women tonight (men are also welcome), but and its a BIG BUT! I have decided, while I can handle large events, support others with their business ideas and deal with a classroom full of children.....when it comes to promoting myself and the work I do, I turn into a blithering idiot who is almost apologetic about the work they do and its driving me up the crazy AAAAARRRRRRRGH.

I have watch other inspirational women tonight and sat there wishing, I was them. So Ive decided that I'm not the only one, I am not the first to feel this way and I wont be the last, I am going to do something about it and I'm going to start here I go.....

Monday I have a stall to promote my work at The WISE Event @The Public, West Bromwich an excellent opportunity but I'm am dreading it, but I am going to do it and be proud and confidant of my work and do my best, so fingers crossed. The weekend is going to be busy preparing work here goes....

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